Blether - Woogie Bonderland

The start of Woogie Bonderland sets the tone for a high-energy, danceable experience, as the track carries on it picks...
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Blether - Woogie BonderlandThe start of Woogie Bonderland sets the tone for a high-energy, danceable experience, as the track carries on it picks up new sounds and influences, then finally... That sample comes in and suddenly... Everyone, everything goes CRAZY!Blether's signature style shines through, with a combination of funky basslines, catchy melodies, and dynamic percussion that make this single stand out. Blether's production in "Woogie Bonderland" is top-notch, with crisp sound engineering and a polished finish that showcases Blether's skills as a producer. We are so excited to see what comes from him this year!Bandcamp: